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About system
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About the system
Features of the system
Key tasks
Operation principle
Results of the system use
About the vehicle monitoring system
Using modern equipment and specialized software, you will be able to see, control, analyze and manage the work of monitoring objects: vehicles, special-purpose vehicles, warehouses and other mobile and static objects of your company. The satellite monitoring system provides an opportunity to receive data on the exact location of transport in real time regime and for a defined period of time, monitor data coming from various indicators related to its work: mileage, speed, idle time, receive alarm signals, monitor fuel consumption, monitor the deviation from a given route, monitor the temperature in the cabin and the temperature of the engine and much more.

Immediate acquisition and analysis of the accurate data about the work of the fleet provides:

  • full control of the drivers, high punctuality
  • identification and prevention of various violations and abuses (speeding, unauthorised fuel discharge, false records in route sheets)
  • health monitoring of various transport components and assemblies and special-purpose vehicles
  • control of transport conditions and cargo storage (temperature, etc.)
  • support of continuous communication between the driver and the controller, prompt response to emergency situations
  • solution of a wide range of specialized industry tasks (for more details, see section Solutions)
Automated fleet management with the use of the monitoring system provides:

  • a wide range of opportunities for operational and strategic planning of vehicle work
  • an increase in the efficiency of vehicle use
  • reduction of expenses on fuel and lubricants
  • elimination of unauthorized use of the vehicle
  • maintenance of proper staff discipline
  • reduction of operating costs
  • transportation safety
  • prevention of emergency situations
  • an increase in the quality of services
  • prevention of vehicle theft
  • organization of management accounting related to the work of vehicles.
Proven cost recovery

Most of our customers have noted a significant improvement in the work of the enterprise already in the first months of using our system. The system pays back in the first 4 months and starts to reduce wasteful expenses and thus increase profits for a company after this specified period. To get a proof of our statement, you can read the comments of our clients and see it for yourself.

Our clients about the monitoring system

«LLP «Atbasarskaya Niva» expresses profound gratitude and sincere thankfulness to the team of LLP «Monitoring Plus» for full support, timely maintenance and constant assistance in analyzing data in the SKIF program.
With your help, we were able to reduce fuel consumption expenses and improve decision making process in our work.
We have confident intentions to maintain the existing friendly relations and look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation."

LLP «Atbasarskaya Niva»

«LLP «Akseleu» expresses profound gratitude and sincere thankfulness to the analytical department of LLP «Monitoring Plus» for its high-quality and timely work.
Stable operation of the server allowed us to track vehicles in a timely manner and conduct accounting work.
We express confidence in maintaining existing good working relations and look forward to further fruitful cooperation."

Sincerely, N. Malayev, deputy director of LLP «Akseleu»

«LLP "Soltustik Bailyk» has been cooperating with LLP «Monitoring Plus» for a long time. During our cooperation, specialists of the analytical department of LLP «Monitoring Plus» have repeatedly revealed shortages of fuel, to be exact, unauthorized fuel discharges done to our vehicles. Also, specialists of the technical department promptly fix all failures in the equipment work. Analysts who supervise our company, communicate with us politely and try to solve all the questions connected with controller's work with the software. For example, in 2016, with the help of GPS system the specialists were able to fully uncover unauthorized fuel and lubricants discharges done to our combined harvesters; using GPS they indicated the places and times of discharges, confirming our own suspicions about this issue. Our enterprise is fully satisfied with the work of LLP «Monitoring Plus». We wish this company further prosperity and flourishing!»

LLP "Soltustik Bailyk»

SKIF is a navigation and information system developed by the specialists of several «Monitoring plus» companies, who applied the latest and most advanced technologies taking into account many years of practical experience in the field of monitoring of mobile and static objects. SKIF is the first software (hereinafter referred to as "Software") developed in the Republic of Kazakhstan with registered copyright not only in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also in the CIS countries.

SKIF is a truly universal platform which was not solely created by our company's employees, but with assistance provided by scientists from research centers and institutes of Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as by leading experts from different industries and fields of economy. The software features unique options to be scaled and modified to be suitable both for any specific industry solutions and for target needs of the client.

We used the most flexible and reliable mechanisms when designing and developing the technical part of the software: SKIF is developed on the basis of Java and the JavaScript programming language using PostgreSQL which has powerful and reliable mechanisms for transactions, replication and processing of GEO data. Availability of simple and open JSON API allows quick and easy integration with any external accounting and control systems.

«Monitoring Plus» company is also actively developing its own division responsible for creating electronic maps and their updating, therefore our software has not only a modern, but also the most up-to-date integrated map server. Our electronic map is a multi-layer resource including housing and communal services systems, streets, roads, driveways, residential and non-residential buildings, construction plans and providing brief information about the objects and their condition.

In addition to the web application, «Monitoring Plus» also offers to use SKIF mobile applications for mobile devices supporting Android and iOS platforms, granting to our customers a possibility to monitor and manage the monitored objects at any time from anywhere in the world!

Features of the system
The vehicle monitoring system is a remote GPS / GLONASS monitoring system applicable for one and up to several hundred vehicles. This is a full-featured GPS control of vehicle routes according to the main parameters. Vehicle control systems allows you to quickly analyze the work of the transport department which will be the best solution of the problem of ensuring the safety of freight transportation. The satellite vehicle control system helps to more effectively manage any fleet and easily optimize the costs associated with its maintenance.

The satellite vehicle control system provides:
  • tracking, management and analysis of the current state of the monitored objects
  • vehicle control — compliance with work regimes
  • increase in the efficiency of use of vehicles and special-purpose vehicles
  • prevention of fuel theft
  • reduction of the costs on vehicle repairs
  • uncovering dishonest workers
  • improving the efficiency of route planning and freight security
  • accumulation and systematization of all information in the database

The GPS / GLONASS vehicle control system monitors the vehicles by the following parameters:
  • current location
  • passed route according to specified control points
  • traveling speed
  • engine start
  • tank fuel amount
  • fuel consumption during the route
  • fuel consumption, refueling and discharge
  • load, position of mechanisms (for special-purpose vehicles), opening of doors, hood, body tipping, etc.
  • travel time
  • time and places of parkings
  • number of engine work hours
  • connecting of «alarm button»
  • control over executive devices
  • presence of passengers in the vehicle.

GPS / GLONASS vehicle monitoring systems also allow to:
  • display routes of the monitored objects for any period of time
  • display on the map the position of vehicles at the current time (on-line control of vehicles)
  • save all information in the local database of the GPS / GLONASS vehicle monitoring system which can be used even without a permanent connection to the Internet
  • save all information for several days after the vehicle has left the GSM coverage area
  • compile reports on the vehicles visiting the route sites and automatically match them with route sheets
  • make chart and graphic reports on fuel consumption, mileage, speed, travel time, etc.
  • for any period of time and for each vehicle or driver
  • save reports in most common formats (pdf, excel, csv, html, xml, etc.) and send to print directly.
Key tasks
The system of control and management of enterprises based on satellite (GLONASS and GPS navigation systems), GPRS technologies and specialized software allows the use of modern technologies for recording, transmitting and processing data, which significantly increases the efficiency of business activities, be it an individual company or a group of companies as a whole; the system is designed to economize material and human resources, increase work productivity and optimize production and logistics processes due to various factors, in particular:

  • Full management and control of the objects state: travelling, performance, operating conditions, both in "real" time and for any taken period
  • Optimization of company management processes: automation of the collection and analysis of information concerning the monitored objects, preparation of analytical calculations with the provision of reports to the management and / or top management of the group of companies
  • Increasing control over the company's activities: monitoring the implementation of established production standards, identifying violations, ineffective / illegal use of the objects
  • Increasing overall discipline of the regional management, employees and support staff
  • Improving the system of occupational safety and prevention of emergency situations at work places of enterprises
  • Accounting of fuel consumption (storage house-fuel truck-vehicle)
  • Reducing the cost of freight, passenger transportation and any final product produced by the company due to full control and effective management
  • Control of loading and unloading places of the manufactured or assembled products
  • Optimization of management and accounting systems
  • Using such innovative technologies is a standard practice in many international companies, it results not only in an increased productivity, but also in creation of the company's positive image regarded by the government, investors and partners, which directly or indirectly improves the cooperation with them.
  • The mobile terminal installed at the monitoring site receives geolocation signals from the satellite (GPS / Glonass) using a GPS receiver.
  • The mobile terminal equipped with a GSM / GPRS receiver transmits data to the server via a GSM-Data channel (GSM-SMS, GPRS) about the location and readings of sensors installed on the vehicle.
  • The received data is processed on the server and transmitted to the controller's panel
Pesults of the system use
Reduction of the costs of current vehicle maintenance - до 30%;

Elimination of «false records» in route sheets and inappropriate vehicle use - до 30%;

Optimization of vehicle work by reducing idle time, increasing the safety of transport - до 35%;

Increase of vehicle rotation, reduction of maintenance costs and reduction of spare parts write-off - до 35%;

Increasing safe operation work and saving on insurance of the monitored objects - до 40%;

Increasing the efficiency of controllers' work, vehicles work and facilitating management and accounting systems - до 40%.
Программное обеспечение
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АСН Постановления №153
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