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No. 153 Decree Of the government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2018
About the approval of Rules for equipping vehicles of categories M2, M3 and vehicles of category N used for transportation of dangerous goods with GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.
No. 195 Resolution Of the government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2019
About licensing of activity on transportation of passengers and other persons by buses.
No. 641 Resolution Of the government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008
About equipment of transport, technical means and systems with GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment (with changes and additions).
No. 969 Decree Of the government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2016
About approval of requirements to functional properties of technical means of ensuring transport security and Rules of obligatory certification of technical means of ensuring transport security.
No. 285 Order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2012
About the approval of requirements to the navigation means functioning with use of navigation signals of the GLONASS system or GLONASS / GPS and intended for obligatory equipment of vehicles of category M used for commercial transportation of passengers, and category N used for transportation of dangerous goods.
GOST 33472-2015
Satellite navigation equipment for equipment of wheeled vehicles of m and n categories.
Item 16. Requirements for installation of satellite navigation equipment
GOST 33472-2015 global navigation satellite system.
Satellite navigation equipment for equipment of wheeled vehicles of m and n categories.
TR CU 018-2011 technical regulations of the customs Union
On the safety of wheeled vehicles.
Item 117. Satellite navigation equipment
Form 2C Appendix 10 TR CU 018/2011 on the safety of wheeled vehicles.
All owners and owners of the vehicle
Equipping with satellite navigation equipment (ASN) to comply with Government Decree No. 153 of February 13, 2018.
Legal effect
Fines for non-compliance with RF Government Decree No. 153.
No. 877 Decree Of the government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2019
About suspension of action of Rules of equipment of vehicles of categories M2, M3 and vehicles of category N used for transportation of dangerous goods with the GLONASS satellite navigation equipment or GLONASS / GPS.
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